Thrive Leads Premium Plugin

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Build Your Mailing List Faster than Ever Before with Thrive Leads

Thrive Leads empowers you to accelerate the growth of your mailing list with powerful tools and customizable opt-in forms designed to convert visitors into subscribers effortlessly.

“Wow! I saw a staggering 238% increase in conversions after switching to Thrive Leads. It’s the most powerful list building plugin I’ve ever used, and the team behind it is absolutely on fire! I wholeheartedly recommend it.”

More than Just Building Your List

More than Just Building Your List

Thrive Leads is a lead generation plugin for WordPress. While that statement is true, it only begins to uncover the depth of what this plugin offers.

At its core, Thrive Leads is the ultimate list building solution crafted by a team of conversion optimization experts who are deeply passionate about maximizing conversions.

Using Thrive Leads is akin to having your personal expert in list-building and conversion strategies seamlessly integrated into powerful software.

Gone are the days of traditional list-building plugins. We’ve infused Thrive Leads with cutting-edge conversion tactics favored by successful businesses and growth hackers alike. Now, these proven strategies are remarkably user-friendly, allowing you to effortlessly implement them on your own site. Get ready to witness explosive list growth and enjoy the exceptional business advantages that accompany it.

Here Are 4 Big Benefits:

Design & Deploy

Thrive Leads combines all essential types of opt-in forms into a single plugin, offering a straightforward drag-and-drop editor to create flawless designs effortlessly, every time.

Advanced Targeting

Achieve a significant boost in conversions by displaying relevant, highly targeted offers to your visitors based on posts, categories, tags, and more. With Thrive Leads, you can build hyper-targeted and profitable email lists effectively.

A/B Testing Engine

Thrive Leads includes a highly advanced yet user-friendly A/B testing feature. Easily boost your conversions by testing different variations and let the plugin automatically optimize your conversion rates.

Actionable Reporting & Insights

Thrive Leads offers a comprehensive dashboard that gives you clear insights into your opt-in form performance and traffic sources. Monitor key metrics such as conversion rates, form impressions, and subscriber growth trends over time. Gain a deep understanding of which opt-in strategies are most effective and where your highest quality traffic is coming from. This enables you to optimize your lead generation efforts with precision and maximize your list-building success.

With Thrive Leads, you’re no longer limited to a single method for generating leads, and you can avoid the hassle of using multiple plugins that might conflict with each other. Whether as part of Thrive Suite or through a standalone subscription, Thrive Leads offers the comprehensive, all-in-one solution for building your email list that you’ve been seeking.

ThriveBox (PopUp Lightbox)

ThriveBox is an unblockable overlay, also known as a popup, that appears above your content to capture attention effectively. It’s designed to be highly attention-grabbing and ensures maximum visibility for your message or offer.

“Sticky” Ribbon

Integrate a ribbon-style form that remains fixed at the top of the screen as visitors scroll down the page. This ensures continuous visibility and engagement with your opt-in offer.

In-Line Forms

Automatically insert an opt-in form at the end of your posts or place them anywhere on your site using a straightforward shortcode. This feature streamlines the process of integrating opt-in forms seamlessly into your content.

2-Step Opt-In Form

Implement a 2-step signup process where visitors initiate the signup by clicking buttons or links, which then opens a lightbox for completing the opt-in form. This method enhances user engagement and encourages higher conversion rates by breaking down the signup process into smaller, manageable steps.


The slide-in form is less intrusive than a popup but equally attention-grabbing. It smoothly slides into view from the corner of the screen, capturing visitor attention effectively.

Opt-In Widget

Easily add an opt-in form to your sidebar or any widget area on your site with just a few clicks using the Opt-In Widget feature. This allows you to effortlessly integrate lead capture forms into various sections of your website for enhanced visibility and conversion opportunities.

Screen Filler Overlay

The Screen Filler Overlay is an attention-grabbing opt-in form that ensures your offer gets full visibility by covering the entire screen. It’s designed to captivate visitors’ attention effectively and maximize engagement with your opt-in message or promotion.

Content Lock

Content Lock is an effective method to integrate an opt-in incentive directly within your content. This feature allows you to withhold valuable content or resources until visitors sign up, encouraging them to subscribe in exchange for access to the locked content.

Scroll Mat

A distinctive screen-filling offer that emerges from the top of the page and pushes the content downward. This attention-grabbing format ensures maximum visibility for your offer, encouraging visitor engagement and interaction.

Yes/No & Multiple Choice Forms

Enhance visitor engagement and increase conversion rates by presenting multiple choice options! This interactive feature allows you to offer visitors clear choices, encouraging them to make a decision that aligns with their interests and preferences.


4 reviews

4 reviews for Thrive Leads Premium Plugin

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  1. Wilber (verified owner)

    Wished I had found this sooner, it took me a lot of money and time until I found my dream product here!

  2. Santos (verified owner)

    Think this could be a potential item in the future

  3. Hipolito (verified owner)

    Been using a lot of items, this one is obviously the best

  4. Hazel (verified owner)

    This is the coolest thing I’ve found on here! Will keep using your products in the future!

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Version: 3.29

Version: 3.29